Mission Critical


Baby wearing is all the rage for Mommies, but how did dads get left behind in this sweet bonding moment? The majority of baby carriers are made for women … Not to say that a dude couldn’t wear them too, but a man carries weight differently than a woman does. 
Guys carry weight from their shoulders, while women displace weight more from their hips. My husband is OBSESSED with this carrier by Mission Critical made by men for men. (and Cashton seems to LOVE it too) 
Not only does it allow my husband to “pull his own weight” when it comes to our son, (pun intended) but it also gives him his own identity. Instead of strapping on my floral carrier, this gave him the manliness of a military grade flak jacket that made him the envy of all the dads in his guy tribe. 
It’s fashionable enough for him and functional enough for me. The baby goes on the front and they have an accessory pack for the back. You can connect a backpack for travel, bottles, diaper packs and more… whatever you need! It seems like they’ve thought of it all!

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