Family Meeting


Okay! Family Meeting! 

You guys know I like to catch up with you all from time to time and check in on my personal life. Things have been a little crazy around here since before the holidays. As some of you know Dallas's company downsized late last year and he has been on the job hunt since October. He has had some great opportunities so far but we are still waiting for one of them to pan out. This has been especially tough on us as we adjust to our new rolls around the house. 

Dallas is taking his Mr. Mom roll like a champ and it has allowed him to spend more time with Cashton throughout the day. For me, however, it has been a little harder to swallow knowing that Dal is getting more daddy and me time. Yes, a part of it is jealousy especially because Cash is already saying "Dada" and has no use for the word "Mama".  

Being a full-time working Mom is definitely harder than I thought it was going to be if I'm being honest. Don't get me wrong I absolutely LOVE my job and wouldn't change being a working mom for the world. Working outside of our home gives me a sense of self-purpose and allows me to be creative on a daily basis and I know that will be great for Cash and I long term. However, it's just different than I imagined. 

Sometimes I feel like I am spreading myself so thin and other times I think to myself, "I've got this." It's a rollercoaster of emotions trying to balance radio life, appearances, being a mom and blogging.  Sometimes you wonder if you are doing any of it right. There is no manual, no handbook, and no cheerleaders when it comes to life, so you just gotta do you and hope someone likes your blog and your kid starts to say "Mama."

Radio wise, we have had a lot of success this year and that has been my one constant in this crazy world. I can't tell you how thankful I am for my radio family. I love going to work every day and sharing my life with our listeners. I just wish there were maybe 2 more hours in the day? 

I guess that's what I signed up for though when I wanted to be a Mom ... Everyone kept telling me " You're gonna be tired for 18 years so buckle up!" And you know what they are right! I wanted to be a Mom more than anything in this world so I will grin and bear it and try to be Super Mom until then. 

Anyway, the moral of the story is being a Mom is sometimes tough and thankless. Although my family does a great job of telling me that they are proud, everyone's story is different, so today tell the Mom in your life that you love and appreciate them for all they do. They may need to hear it just one more time.  


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